“Want to laugh, then get Sydney Molare's latest novel… you will crack up after you meet a 75 year old diva who had numerous men attending to her beck and call. Ms. Adoll who likes to be referred to as Madam A is truly a modern day LADY that knows how to take care of her business and come out on the winning end. Ms. Molare's style of writing will keep you laughing out loud and you will be happy and truly content, once the reading trip is finalized.”

— Amazon Review

I Want It Now is a literary Ménage et trois that will leave readers gasping for air and begging for more!”

— Ebony Farashuu, Author and poet

“"A significant message of consequence is provided in Devil's Orchestra. It's a chilling reality check that will generate deep thought. This frightening novel is depicted with vivid descriptions that paint a realistic view of life on the dark side. Devil's Orchestra is an attention-grabbing tale of three individuals who hungered for money, power and prestige. So much so, that they inadvertently sold their souls to the devil."”

— Amazon Review

“In Small Packages, by Sydney Molare, The Somebody Holla! Book Club meets once a month. The book club is composed of four friends, each with personalities as different as flowers in a variety bouquet. At the opening of the book, the group gathers at one of the member's house for a slumber party and to read a book called Small Packages. The book is not the only topic of discussion, however. Throughout the night secrets and revelations unfold between the friends which strengthen their bond of sisterhood. I found this book to be uniquely and wonderfully written. As the friends read the book aloud, they stopped at intervals to discuss…argue, and cry. I had never read a book which contained a story within a story, but found this one to be intriguing. It was like being at an actual book club meeting while the book was simultaneously being read and discussed.”

— T. Rhythm Knight